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Volunteer Interest Form
We are always looking for a helping hand.
For each show we could really use volunteers for the following:
Before Opening
Putting up flyers and post cards
Taking photos & videos of read-throughs and rehearsal for FB & Instagram
Opening Night
Catering for Opening Night Reception (we have $ in the budget for food)
Night of Performance
Setting up and taking down chairs & tables
Cleaning up trash (especially after Opening Night Receptions)
General schmoozing with audience
Box Office
Cashier & tickets
Soliciting donations
Folding programs
Getting emails for a mailing list
Photos of cast, crew, Board & Volunteers, audience for FB & Instagram
Our shows would not be possible without our amazing volunteers.
If you are interested in supporting an upcoming show by donating your time for any of the tasks listed above, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you.
Thank you in advance!
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